Monday, September 21, 2009

What my knitting needles have been up to

A couple of friends commented fairly recently that they still read my blog. I track back to my last entry and am ashamed. It's been 9 months and my knitterly buddies haven't thrown their hands up in exasperation at me?? Instead, they are STILL reading my blog..? Wow.

On the knitting newsfront, small quick projects that don't require much brain power have ruled. Hats, scarves, hairbands, more hats. Oh, and a cardigan for my not-so-little-one who has outgrown her pretty pink BSJ with the gorgeous buttons!! How dare she!? :)

Little one said 'mommy's yarn', and 'knit like mommy' the other day. I am one proud knitter mommy. So since there is so little action on the knitting front, you would assume that my needles have been sitting idle? No sirree... This is what they have been up to.



They have been pretend pencils for little one to draw with. They have been sticks for her to collect and wave around (while nearly poking out her own eye). They have been treated like music instruments, been arranged artfully in yarn cakes and in my knitting. Initially, I was horrified, then (like everything else when it comes to dealing with a toddler), I gave up and just went with the flow. At least I got a chance to touch my pretty knitting sticks.

The garter stitch scarf in the pictures above are my current knitting project. Using Noro Iro and 6mm needles (a la brooklyntweed's version). It's pretty and it's a fast-ish project but I am soooooo bored with it. But little one says it's 'nice' when I told her it was for her 'gu-gu' (auntie in mandarin), and gently patted it, so I guess I might persevere.

When oh when can I knit lace again?


Jackie said...

hahaha...this is daughter with a proud knitter mummy will grow playing with.

opportunityknits said...

I'm defintely still reading :)

alt.ayu said...

I still read! Partially because I hope to be surprised with a new update! :) hehehe

Love the yarn and project!!! I know it's boring gartering around but I've come to learn that garter is better than zero knitting :P

btw yeah, I must have been infected by you and started 2 projects in ur color haha.. Too bad I've come to realize one of them needs to be on larger needles... so now it's in premature hibernation.

Eliza said...

good to see you back!
The scarf looks great; why not lace?

Anonymous said...

I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link

Anonymous said...

I am not going to be original this time, so all I am going to say that your blog rocks, sad that I don't have suck a writing skills